Monday, 6 June 2011

Ageratum Giggles

In my flower pot making project, one of the plants I needed (according to the diagram) was "Ageratum." When I bought it, it really didn't look like much as it barely had any flowering growth on it.

As it continues to grow in a few hanging baskets, it has become one of my favourites. Every time I see it, it makes me smile. It's got these little light blue heads with little super soft hairs all over them. They are just funky. 
 That got me to wondering...I wonder if God kinda giggled when he created it. I mean, when you create an entire universe, you gotta get a bit funky with some of the flora and fauna, right? It's kind of like when you are decorating cookies, and it's all exciting at first, but around the 10th cookie, you start getting bored with the process and start making the christmas ball shaped cookies into orange christmas jack-o-lanterns....but I digress. I just imagine God shaping the little Ageratum and then calling some of the angels over and saying "Hey guys! Look at this one! Tee-hee!" (Yes, I know it's completely theologically incorrect, it's just how I see it playing out!)

I also think He probably did the same thing when he created this guy.


  1. I love this post, Laura! Ageratums are awesome! Manatees are, too (that is a manatee, right?). Although they are said to be extremely gentle giants, I was terrified of manatees when I was little. When we went to a cottage up north, I was convinced the lake (Rice Lake) was teeming with them. Then I grew up.

  2. *shudder* a lake full of manatees...that's creepy. Thanks for the visual Christina! lol
