Sunday 8 May 2011

Detox Week

So, I found out a few months ago that my body is intolerant to quite a number of items. Though intolerances range from mild to severe, the ones that topped my "severe" list were as follows: Gluten, wheat, ALL dairy (including goat dairy), and  eggs (yolk and white). Some things on my "medium" list were: asparagus, spinach, bananas, peanuts and pineapples.

Though I get a lot of headaches, often related to sinuses, I never have had a lot of stomach issues that one might think would be associated with having these crazy intolerances. But then I started eliminating these foods through the week. (I don't often watch my diet as much on the weekend.)  When I do eat the foods I should. I just feel "ugh".

This weekend consisted of a lot of burgers, sandwiches, brownies, cereal, toast. Everything my body has decided it doesn't like. Boy is it taking its revenge on me!!! Sluggish, psoriasis and acne!!!! This afternoon after a lunch of sandwiches, I felt like a bloated sheep that got into the chicken feed and imploded. We were up at Scott's childhood home, so that's why I inserted the country/farm reference. (Side note: Don't google "bloated sheep" for pictures. Blech!)

So...I decided it was detox week. Here's the plan:

- No dairy
- No bread
- No eggs (or mayo)
- At least 4 big glasses of water a day
- Work out 4x - aiming for Monday (Vive), Tuesday (Pump), Wednesday (Circuit) & Saturday (Run).
- And when next weekend rolls around....try to lay off the burgers and sweets!

What are your goals and ambitions for the week?


  1. How did you find out about your intolerances? Did you have a blood screening done? The idea of having this done intrigues me!

  2. Oh, we could come up with some meals together!! I've been seeing a naturopathic doctor for the last several months because my intolerances (and hormones) have done quite the number on my body. I am currently avoiding gluten like the plague. And some other stuff to let my galbladder heal. Hope you can tackle it all!
